Knowledge Base Design

Article Page

The design page that is used to article page.

Basic objects

Name Type Description
cssUrl string

The style file url for knowledge base.

breadcrumbs string

Breadcrumb Navigation.

id number

Article Id.

title string

Article title

url string

Article url.

body string

Article body.

views number

The views of article.

ifAllowFeedback boolean

Allow visitors to rate Helpful or Not Helpful on articles.

helpful nubmer

The number of article for Helpful.

notHelpful nubmer

The number of article for Not Helpful.

feedBackCount number

The percentage value of feedback result.

breadcrumbs → {string}

Breadcrumb Navigation.

For example:
<div class="breadcrumbs">

id → {number}

It control the layout of home page and category page.

For example:

title → {string}

Article title

For example:

url → {string}

Article url

For example:

body → {string}

Article body

For example:

views → {number}

The views of article.

For example:

ifAllowFeedback → {boolean}

The views of article.

For example:
{% if ifAllowFeedback %}
      Show feedback form!
{% endif %}
A complete example of the article:
<div class="content">
    <div class="container">
        <div class="breadcrumbs">
        < /div>
        <div class="article">
            <div class="article__title ">
            <div class="article__content">
            {% if ifAllowFeedback %}
                <div class="clear"></div>
                <div class="article__feedback">
                <a class="article__feedbackbtn iconfont icon-helpful" title="Helpful" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="calculateHelpful('{{id}}',true)"></a>
                <a class="article__feedbackbtn iconfont icon-not-helpful" title="Not helpful" href="javascipt:void(0)" onclick="calculateHelpful('{{id}}', false)"></a>
                {% if helpful > 0 ||  notHelpful > 0 %}
                    <div class="article__feedbacklabel">{{feedBackCount | round: 2}}% of people found this helpful</div>
                {% endif %}
            {% endif %}