
You need the Manage articles permission to manage articles.

- KnowledgeBase_Articles Manage
GET kb/articles/{id}
PUT kb/articles/{id}
DELETE kb/articles/{id}
KnowledgeBase_Article JSON Format

KnowledgeBase_Article is represented as simple flat JSON objects with the following keys:

Name Type Description
id guid Id of the article.
title string Title of the article.
body string Content of the article. You can pass both plaintext and base64 encode text. If the request containing plaintext is blocked by comm100 WAF, use base64 format. When using base64, add "data:text/plain;base64," before the content.
customUrl string Custom url of the article.
categoryId guid Id of the category.
isFeatured bool Whether to mark this article as Featured to make it appear above the Non-Featured articles.
status string Allowed values are "draft", "published".
views integer View count of the article.
createdById guid Id of the agent who created the article.
createdTime datetime Time when the article was created.
modifiedById guid Id of the agent who modified the article.
modifiedTime timestamp Time when the article was last modified.
similarQuestions string [] The same question keywords.
tagIds array The articles list of the tag.
helpful integer Counts of the article marked as helpful.
notHelpful integer Counts of the article marked as not helpful.
Get the list of KnowledgeBase_Articles

GET kb/articles

Name Type In Required Description
kbId guid query no Id of the knowledage base.
keywords guid query no Search keywords.
categoryId string query no Id of the category.
tagId guid query no Id of the tag.
status string query no Allowed values are "draft", "published".
createdTime datetime query no Time when the article was created.
include string query no Allowed values are "category", "tag".

An array of   KnowledgeBase_Article


Sample Request:

curl \
-X 'GET' \


 HTTP/1.1 200 OK

{"articles":[{"id":"4fc10466-3900-4d0d-89d8-635afb8a2c78","title":"Sample Article Title","body":" <p>\n? Setting up your knowledge base starts with creating articles. Building a repository of articles is simple by using our WYSIWYG editor. You can also organize your knowledge base articles by category and tag, so that they are easy to find and intuitive to use. Follow the steps below to start.\n? </p>\n? <h4 style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 40px;\">Step by Step Instructions</h4>\n? <ol style=\"margin-top: 0px;\">\n? <li style=\"margin-top: 10px;\">\n? <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Log into</a> your Comm100 account.\n? </li>\n? <li>\n? Click <strong>Articles</strong> from the left menu list under the Knowledge Base product.\n? <p>\n? <img src=\"/kb/resources/images/kb-articles.png\" alt=\"knowledge base articles\" />\n? </p>\n? </li>\n? <li>\n? Click the <strong>New Article</strong> button on the page.\n? <p>\n? <img src=\"/kb/resources/images/new-article.png\" alt=\"New Article\" />\n? </p>\n? </li>\n? <li>\n? Input the article title and mark it as <strong>Featured</strong> when you see appropriate by clicking the <strong>Star</strong> icon in the <strong>Title</strong> box. (Featured articles appear above the non-featured ones on your knowledge base pages.)\n? <p>\n? <img src=\"/kb/resources/images/article-content.png\" alt=\"Article Content\" />\n? </p>\n? </li>\n? <li>\n? Draft your article content in our WYSIWYG HTML editor. If you have drafted the source code of the article elsewhere, you can click the <strong>Source Code</strong> icon at the end of the tool bar to simply paste the code in the editor.\n? </li>\n? <li>\n? Select a <strong>Category</strong> that the article should fall under, and assign <strong>Tags</strong> for the article.\n? <p>\n? <img src=\"/kb/resources/images/categorize-tag-publish.png\" alt=\"categorize tag and publish\" />\n? </p>\n? </li>\n? <li>\n? Click <strong>Preview</strong> to see how it looks like to your customers on your knowledge base.\n? </li>\n? <li>\n? Once the article is ready, change the article status to <strong>Published</strong>, and then hit <strong>Save</strong>.\n? <br />\n? <strong>Note:</strong> The default status of every article is <strong>Draft</strong>. To make an article visible on your knowledge base, you need to change its status to <strong>Published</strong>.\n? </li>\n? </ol>\n? <p>Now that the article has been published, your customers can view, and leave helpful or not helpful ratings if you allow them to do so. </p>","customUrl":"can-i-customize-the-look-of-my-knowledge-base","categoryId":"8a21934a-7def-4064-a211-3cc5295282f9","isFeatured":false,"status":"published","views":0,"createdById":"21b5d834-b98b-48ba-ae45-0d1316cb382f","createdTime":"2021-04-09T10:38:47.237Z","modifiedById":"21b5d834-b98b-48ba-ae45-0d1316cb382f","modifiedTime":"2021-04-09T10:38:47.237Z","similarQuestions":["null"],"tagIds":["e824f542-0187-4aac-a329-9263d6090fe9"],"helpful":5,"notHelpful":1}],"nextPage":null,"previousPage":null,"total":1}
Get a single KnowledgeBase_Article

GET kb/articles/{id}

Name Type In Required Description
include string query no Allowed values are "category", "tag".

Sample Request:

curl \
-X 'GET' \


 HTTP/1.1 200 OK

{"id":"4fc10466-3900-4d0d-89d8-635afb8a2c78","title":"Sample Article Title","body":" <p>\n? Setting up your knowledge base starts with creating articles. Building a repository of articles is simple by using our WYSIWYG editor. You can also organize your knowledge base articles by category and tag, so that they are easy to find and intuitive to use. Follow the steps below to start.\n? </p>\n? <h4 style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 40px;\">Step by Step Instructions</h4>\n? <ol style=\"margin-top: 0px;\">\n? <li style=\"margin-top: 10px;\">\n? <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Log into</a> your Comm100 account.\n? </li>\n? <li>\n? Click <strong>Articles</strong> from the left menu list under the Knowledge Base product.\n? <p>\n? <img src=\"/kb/resources/images/kb-articles.png\" alt=\"knowledge base articles\" />\n? </p>\n? </li>\n? <li>\n? Click the <strong>New Article</strong> button on the page.\n? <p>\n? <img src=\"/kb/resources/images/new-article.png\" alt=\"New Article\" />\n? </p>\n? </li>\n? <li>\n? Input the article title and mark it as <strong>Featured</strong> when you see appropriate by clicking the <strong>Star</strong> icon in the <strong>Title</strong> box. (Featured articles appear above the non-featured ones on your knowledge base pages.)\n? <p>\n? <img src=\"/kb/resources/images/article-content.png\" alt=\"Article Content\" />\n? </p>\n? </li>\n? <li>\n? Draft your article content in our WYSIWYG HTML editor. If you have drafted the source code of the article elsewhere, you can click the <strong>Source Code</strong> icon at the end of the tool bar to simply paste the code in the editor.\n? </li>\n? <li>\n? Select a <strong>Category</strong> that the article should fall under, and assign <strong>Tags</strong> for the article.\n? <p>\n? <img src=\"/kb/resources/images/categorize-tag-publish.png\" alt=\"categorize tag and publish\" />\n? </p>\n? </li>\n? <li>\n? Click <strong>Preview</strong> to see how it looks like to your customers on your knowledge base.\n? </li>\n? <li>\n? Once the article is ready, change the article status to <strong>Published</strong>, and then hit <strong>Save</strong>.\n? <br />\n? <strong>Note:</strong> The default status of every article is <strong>Draft</strong>. To make an article visible on your knowledge base, you need to change its status to <strong>Published</strong>.\n? </li>\n? </ol>\n? <p>Now that the article has been published, your customers can view, and leave helpful or not helpful ratings if you allow them to do so. </p>","customUrl":"can-i-customize-the-look-of-my-knowledge-base","categoryId":"8a21934a-7def-4064-a211-3cc5295282f9","isFeatured":false,"status":"published","views":0,"createdById":"21b5d834-b98b-48ba-ae45-0d1316cb382f","createdTime":"2021-04-09T10:38:47.237Z","modifiedById":"21b5d834-b98b-48ba-ae45-0d1316cb382f","modifiedTime":"2021-04-09T10:38:47.237Z","similarQuestions":["null"],"tagIds":["e824f542-0187-4aac-a329-9263d6090fe9"],"helpful":5,"notHelpful":1}
Create a new KnowledgeBase_Article

POST kb/articles

Name Type In Required Description
title string body yes Title of the article.
body string body no Content of the article. You can pass both plaintext and base64 encode text. If the request containing plaintext is blocked by comm100 WAF, use base64 format. When using base64, add "data:text/plain;base64," before the content.
customUrl string body no Custom url of the article.
categoryId guid body yes Id of the category.
isFeatured bool body no Whether to mark this article as Featured to make it appear above the Non-Featured articles.
status string body yes Allowed values are "draft", "published".
views integer body no View count of the article.
createdById guid body no Id of the agent who created the article.
modifiedById guid body no Id of the agent who modified the article.
similarQuestions string [] body no The same question keywords.
tagIds array body no The articles list of the tag.

Sample Request:

curl \
-X 'POST' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-D '{"title":"Sample Article Title","body":" <p>\n? Setting up your knowledge base starts with creating articles. Building a repository of articles is simple by using our WYSIWYG editor. You can also organize your knowledge base articles by category and tag, so that they are easy to find and intuitive to use. Follow the steps below to start.\n? </p>\n? <h4 style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 40px;\">Step by Step Instructions</h4>\n? <ol style=\"margin-top: 0px;\">\n? <li style=\"margin-top: 10px;\">\n? <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Log into</a> your Comm100 account.\n? </li>\n? <li>\n? Click <strong>Articles</strong> from the left menu list under the Knowledge Base product.\n? <p>\n? <img src=\"/kb/resources/images/kb-articles.png\" alt=\"knowledge base articles\" />\n? </p>\n? </li>\n? <li>\n? Click the <strong>New Article</strong> button on the page.\n? <p>\n? <img src=\"/kb/resources/images/new-article.png\" alt=\"New Article\" />\n? </p>\n? </li>\n? <li>\n? Input the article title and mark it as <strong>Featured</strong> when you see appropriate by clicking the <strong>Star</strong> icon in the <strong>Title</strong> box. (Featured articles appear above the non-featured ones on your knowledge base pages.)\n? <p>\n? <img src=\"/kb/resources/images/article-content.png\" alt=\"Article Content\" />\n? </p>\n? </li>\n? <li>\n? Draft your article content in our WYSIWYG HTML editor. If you have drafted the source code of the article elsewhere, you can click the <strong>Source Code</strong> icon at the end of the tool bar to simply paste the code in the editor.\n? </li>\n? <li>\n? Select a <strong>Category</strong> that the article should fall under, and assign <strong>Tags</strong> for the article.\n? <p>\n? <img src=\"/kb/resources/images/categorize-tag-publish.png\" alt=\"categorize tag and publish\" />\n? </p>\n? </li>\n? <li>\n? Click <strong>Preview</strong> to see how it looks like to your customers on your knowledge base.\n? </li>\n? <li>\n? Once the article is ready, change the article status to <strong>Published</strong>, and then hit <strong>Save</strong>.\n? <br />\n? <strong>Note:</strong> The default status of every article is <strong>Draft</strong>. To make an article visible on your knowledge base, you need to change its status to <strong>Published</strong>.\n? </li>\n? </ol>\n? <p>Now that the article has been published, your customers can view, and leave helpful or not helpful ratings if you allow them to do so. </p>","customUrl":"can-i-customize-the-look-of-my-knowledge-base","categoryId":"8a21934a-7def-4064-a211-3cc5295282f9","isFeatured":false,"status":"published","views":0,"createdById":"21b5d834-b98b-48ba-ae45-0d1316cb382f","modifiedById":"21b5d834-b98b-48ba-ae45-0d1316cb382f","similarQuestions":["null"]}'


 HTTP/1.1 201 Created

{"id":"4fc10466-3900-4d0d-89d8-635afb8a2c78","title":"Sample Article Title","body":" <p>\n? Setting up your knowledge base starts with creating articles. Building a repository of articles is simple by using our WYSIWYG editor. You can also organize your knowledge base articles by category and tag, so that they are easy to find and intuitive to use. Follow the steps below to start.\n? </p>\n? <h4 style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 40px;\">Step by Step Instructions</h4>\n? <ol style=\"margin-top: 0px;\">\n? <li style=\"margin-top: 10px;\">\n? <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Log into</a> your Comm100 account.\n? </li>\n? <li>\n? Click <strong>Articles</strong> from the left menu list under the Knowledge Base product.\n? <p>\n? <img src=\"/kb/resources/images/kb-articles.png\" alt=\"knowledge base articles\" />\n? </p>\n? </li>\n? <li>\n? Click the <strong>New Article</strong> button on the page.\n? <p>\n? <img src=\"/kb/resources/images/new-article.png\" alt=\"New Article\" />\n? </p>\n? </li>\n? <li>\n? Input the article title and mark it as <strong>Featured</strong> when you see appropriate by clicking the <strong>Star</strong> icon in the <strong>Title</strong> box. (Featured articles appear above the non-featured ones on your knowledge base pages.)\n? <p>\n? <img src=\"/kb/resources/images/article-content.png\" alt=\"Article Content\" />\n? </p>\n? </li>\n? <li>\n? Draft your article content in our WYSIWYG HTML editor. If you have drafted the source code of the article elsewhere, you can click the <strong>Source Code</strong> icon at the end of the tool bar to simply paste the code in the editor.\n? </li>\n? <li>\n? Select a <strong>Category</strong> that the article should fall under, and assign <strong>Tags</strong> for the article.\n? <p>\n? <img src=\"/kb/resources/images/categorize-tag-publish.png\" alt=\"categorize tag and publish\" />\n? </p>\n? </li>\n? <li>\n? Click <strong>Preview</strong> to see how it looks like to your customers on your knowledge base.\n? </li>\n? <li>\n? Once the article is ready, change the article status to <strong>Published</strong>, and then hit <strong>Save</strong>.\n? <br />\n? <strong>Note:</strong> The default status of every article is <strong>Draft</strong>. To make an article visible on your knowledge base, you need to change its status to <strong>Published</strong>.\n? </li>\n? </ol>\n? <p>Now that the article has been published, your customers can view, and leave helpful or not helpful ratings if you allow them to do so. </p>","customUrl":"can-i-customize-the-look-of-my-knowledge-base","categoryId":"8a21934a-7def-4064-a211-3cc5295282f9","isFeatured":false,"status":"published","views":0,"createdById":"21b5d834-b98b-48ba-ae45-0d1316cb382f","createdTime":"2021-04-09T10:38:47.237Z","modifiedById":"21b5d834-b98b-48ba-ae45-0d1316cb382f","modifiedTime":"2021-04-09T10:38:47.237Z","similarQuestions":["null"],"tagIds":["e824f542-0187-4aac-a329-9263d6090fe9"],"helpful":5,"notHelpful":1}
Update the KnowledgeBase_Article

PUT kb/articles/{id}

Name Type In Required Description
title string body yes Title of the article.
body string body no Content of the article. You can pass both plaintext and base64 encode text. If the request containing plaintext is blocked by comm100 WAF, use base64 format. When using base64, add "data:text/plain;base64," before the content.
customUrl string body no Custom url of the article.
categoryId guid body yes Id of the category.
isFeatured bool body no Whether to mark this article as Featured to make it appear above the Non-Featured articles.
status string body yes Allowed values are "draft", "published".
views integer body no View count of the article.
createdById guid body no Id of the agent who created the article.
modifiedById guid body no Id of the agent who modified the article.
similarQuestions string [] body no The same question keywords.
tagIds array body no The articles list of the tag.

Sample Request:

curl \
-X 'PUT' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-D '{"title":"Sample Article Title","body":" <p>\n? Setting up your knowledge base starts with creating articles. Building a repository of articles is simple by using our WYSIWYG editor. You can also organize your knowledge base articles by category and tag, so that they are easy to find and intuitive to use. Follow the steps below to start.\n? </p>\n? <h4 style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 40px;\">Step by Step Instructions</h4>\n? <ol style=\"margin-top: 0px;\">\n? <li style=\"margin-top: 10px;\">\n? <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Log into</a> your Comm100 account.\n? </li>\n? <li>\n? Click <strong>Articles</strong> from the left menu list under the Knowledge Base product.\n? <p>\n? <img src=\"/kb/resources/images/kb-articles.png\" alt=\"knowledge base articles\" />\n? </p>\n? </li>\n? <li>\n? Click the <strong>New Article</strong> button on the page.\n? <p>\n? <img src=\"/kb/resources/images/new-article.png\" alt=\"New Article\" />\n? </p>\n? </li>\n? <li>\n? Input the article title and mark it as <strong>Featured</strong> when you see appropriate by clicking the <strong>Star</strong> icon in the <strong>Title</strong> box. (Featured articles appear above the non-featured ones on your knowledge base pages.)\n? <p>\n? <img src=\"/kb/resources/images/article-content.png\" alt=\"Article Content\" />\n? </p>\n? </li>\n? <li>\n? Draft your article content in our WYSIWYG HTML editor. If you have drafted the source code of the article elsewhere, you can click the <strong>Source Code</strong> icon at the end of the tool bar to simply paste the code in the editor.\n? </li>\n? <li>\n? Select a <strong>Category</strong> that the article should fall under, and assign <strong>Tags</strong> for the article.\n? <p>\n? <img src=\"/kb/resources/images/categorize-tag-publish.png\" alt=\"categorize tag and publish\" />\n? </p>\n? </li>\n? <li>\n? Click <strong>Preview</strong> to see how it looks like to your customers on your knowledge base.\n? </li>\n? <li>\n? Once the article is ready, change the article status to <strong>Published</strong>, and then hit <strong>Save</strong>.\n? <br />\n? <strong>Note:</strong> The default status of every article is <strong>Draft</strong>. To make an article visible on your knowledge base, you need to change its status to <strong>Published</strong>.\n? </li>\n? </ol>\n? <p>Now that the article has been published, your customers can view, and leave helpful or not helpful ratings if you allow them to do so. </p>","customUrl":"can-i-customize-the-look-of-my-knowledge-base","categoryId":"8a21934a-7def-4064-a211-3cc5295282f9","isFeatured":false,"status":"published","views":0,"createdById":"21b5d834-b98b-48ba-ae45-0d1316cb382f","modifiedById":"21b5d834-b98b-48ba-ae45-0d1316cb382f","similarQuestions":["null"]}'


 HTTP/1.1 200 OK

{"id":"4fc10466-3900-4d0d-89d8-635afb8a2c78","title":"Sample Article Title","body":" <p>\n? Setting up your knowledge base starts with creating articles. Building a repository of articles is simple by using our WYSIWYG editor. You can also organize your knowledge base articles by category and tag, so that they are easy to find and intuitive to use. Follow the steps below to start.\n? </p>\n? <h4 style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 40px;\">Step by Step Instructions</h4>\n? <ol style=\"margin-top: 0px;\">\n? <li style=\"margin-top: 10px;\">\n? <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Log into</a> your Comm100 account.\n? </li>\n? <li>\n? Click <strong>Articles</strong> from the left menu list under the Knowledge Base product.\n? <p>\n? <img src=\"/kb/resources/images/kb-articles.png\" alt=\"knowledge base articles\" />\n? </p>\n? </li>\n? <li>\n? Click the <strong>New Article</strong> button on the page.\n? <p>\n? <img src=\"/kb/resources/images/new-article.png\" alt=\"New Article\" />\n? </p>\n? </li>\n? <li>\n? Input the article title and mark it as <strong>Featured</strong> when you see appropriate by clicking the <strong>Star</strong> icon in the <strong>Title</strong> box. (Featured articles appear above the non-featured ones on your knowledge base pages.)\n? <p>\n? <img src=\"/kb/resources/images/article-content.png\" alt=\"Article Content\" />\n? </p>\n? </li>\n? <li>\n? Draft your article content in our WYSIWYG HTML editor. If you have drafted the source code of the article elsewhere, you can click the <strong>Source Code</strong> icon at the end of the tool bar to simply paste the code in the editor.\n? </li>\n? <li>\n? Select a <strong>Category</strong> that the article should fall under, and assign <strong>Tags</strong> for the article.\n? <p>\n? <img src=\"/kb/resources/images/categorize-tag-publish.png\" alt=\"categorize tag and publish\" />\n? </p>\n? </li>\n? <li>\n? Click <strong>Preview</strong> to see how it looks like to your customers on your knowledge base.\n? </li>\n? <li>\n? Once the article is ready, change the article status to <strong>Published</strong>, and then hit <strong>Save</strong>.\n? <br />\n? <strong>Note:</strong> The default status of every article is <strong>Draft</strong>. To make an article visible on your knowledge base, you need to change its status to <strong>Published</strong>.\n? </li>\n? </ol>\n? <p>Now that the article has been published, your customers can view, and leave helpful or not helpful ratings if you allow them to do so. </p>","customUrl":"can-i-customize-the-look-of-my-knowledge-base","categoryId":"8a21934a-7def-4064-a211-3cc5295282f9","isFeatured":false,"status":"published","views":0,"createdById":"21b5d834-b98b-48ba-ae45-0d1316cb382f","createdTime":"2021-04-09T10:38:47.237Z","modifiedById":"21b5d834-b98b-48ba-ae45-0d1316cb382f","modifiedTime":"2021-04-09T10:38:47.237Z","similarQuestions":["null"],"tagIds":["e824f542-0187-4aac-a329-9263d6090fe9"],"helpful":5,"notHelpful":1}
Remove the KnowledgeBase_Article

DELETE kb/articles/{id}

No Parameters

No Content


Sample Request:

curl \


 HTTP/1.1 204 No Content