You are running version 5.0. The question you probably mean to ask, is “what base revision am I running?”

Some software companies make their clients wait for major releases to receive enhancements, non-urgent fixes, particularly new features. We don’t! When you get an upgrade, you are getting every single fix, enhancement, and new feature that was ready to go at the time we started the process. If revision 3023 was released the day before your upgrade started (or maybe even the morning of), then your upgrade will take you all the way up to 3023.

Every single code change made to VTI is given a revision number. Revision 2013 could be the correction of a typo in a pick list value, with revision 2014 being a new feature, and revision 2015 being a change that helps a screen load more quickly. If you are running “base” revision 2058, that means you have all of the revisions ever released, up to and including revision 2058. An upgrade might give you revisions 2059-3015, taking you up to base revision 3015.

It is called a “base” revision because you may have received some independent, non-sequential revisions as fixes. Those would be considered “out-of-revision” fixes because they are applied out of order, without all of the ones that come between them. Your site might be running base revision 2058 with out of revisions 2089, 2039, and 3001.

When you sign change authorization forms before an upgrade, or before the application of a fix, you can see the revisions your site is running, and will be running, in before/after sections. So, to figure out what revision(s) you are running you can refer to the most recent change authorization form you have signed, or contact to ask.

You’re also welcome to contact to ask what the most recently released revision is, so you can get an idea of how many revisions have been released since your last upgrade, and if you might want to sign up for another upgrade soon.