When a leave request, or the DS, or Who Is In, or an autopost, etc. updates the data on the timecard to change, the system runs a procedure to sort the times. The method that will be used in sorting is determined by settings only accessible through the database, so if you want any changes made please contact support@intellitime.com. The goal of each is to compress the times records so that as many time records as possible are assigned to a single line, keeping the timecard as short as possible. Each mode allows for other things, beyond overall length, to take priority. This is set per document, per section, so different sections of the same document, or different documents, can have separate logic.


Mode 0 - Only new items added (for instance from a leave request) are compressed, while old items are unchanged. New entries in the section are compressed and sorted by pay code priority. Entries are not sorted chronologically.


Mode 1 - All entries in the section are compressed and sorted by pay code priority. Entries are not sorted chronologically. This mode produces the most compact timecard.


Mode 2 - All entries are sorted chronologically. Entries within any single day will be sorted chronologically, although for the timecard as a whole they might not be in order. This would on average

result in a larger timecard than mode 1.


Mode 3 - All entries are sorted chronologically, for the timecard as a whole. This would make the timecard larger, on average, than mode 2.


Mode 4 - Like 2, but sort by pay code display order first.


Mode 5 - Like 3, but sort by pay code display order first.