Holidays are required if you have rules that govern the usage of Holiday pay codes or work rules that differ if the work is performed on an observed Holiday.  It is best practice to try to keep the upcoming years’ observed holidays in VTI. 

Holidays are configured on the Holiday Date Management screen which can be accessed from the Holiday link under the PEP tab.  Before you add a holiday, click on the Next Page button and verify that the date you wish to enter does not already exist.  The Holidays are sorted by earliest date by default. If you enter a date that already exists, VTI will notify you that you have entered a duplicate date.

Add the new holidays using the blank fields at the bottom of the screen.

  • Enter the date of the holiday in the Date field and enter a description—usually the name of the holiday—in the Description
  • If the holiday is a major holiday, you may click in the Major check box. If your Organization does not delineate between a Major and Minor holiday then you can leave them all unchecked.
  • Enter the maximum number of hours allowed for the holiday if needed.
  • Set the holiday policy. The default is called “Group” but your organization may have others. 
  • Enter the Group that is eligible for the Holiday. Note that if more than one Group is eligible for the holiday, you may either select All, or you will need additional entries in the Holiday Dates Table for each appropriate Group.
  • Click on the Update button to save the data.

Repeat the steps above as needed for each holiday.

Note: You can enter the same holiday date more than once if your organization security structure has multiple groups or multiple holiday policies.