How to Customize the Messenger Launcher

The Messenger Launcher tab of your Messenger lets you customize the color and the offset position of the Adaptive launcher icon for both Desktop and Mobile views. 

Step by Step Instructions

To customize the Messenger launcher, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Comm100 Control Panel.
  2. From the left navigation menu, go to Ticketing & Messaging > Channels > Messenger.
  3. Click the Messenger link or click the Edit icon from the list of previously created messengers.
  4. Navigate to the Messenger Launcher tab, and do the following:
    1. Choose the color of the adaptive messenger launcher from the Color Picker tool.1.png
      Optional: You can also upload your design to use the icon inside the adaptive messenger launcher using the SVG file size of up to 20 KB.
    2. For the Desktop View, choose the float position (right and left) from the list and define an accurate offset in pixels.
    3. For the Mobile View, choose the float position (right and left) from the list and define an accurate offset in pixels.
    4. On the Preview pane, you can Quick Preview the Messenger launcher on Desktop and Mobile devices.
    5. Click Save.