Where Can I Find Telnyx API Key and Phone Number

Comm100 allows you to respond to SMS messages sent by your customers through integration with Telnyx. To set up this integration, you need to provide the API Key and Phone number from your Telnyx Account.


Step by Step Instructions

To access Telnyx API Key and Phone number, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Telnyx account.
  2. From the left navigation menu, go to API Keys.
  3. Copy the API Key to the clipboard.
    Note: After configuring your SMS integration, if your API Key is Inactive or deleted, you still receive the SMS. However, you cannot send a reply. You receive the failed authentication message of the API Key.
  4. Again, from the left navigation menu, go to Numbers.
  5. Locate for the Telnyx Phone number in the list.
  6. Copy the number to the clipboard.kb-telnyx-03.png
    You’ve located the API Key and Phone Number from your Telnyx account. You can move on with your SMS integration and start seeing and responding to SMS using Comm100.