How to Set Up Agent SSO with Okta
Introduction to Comm100 Agent SSO

Comm100 Agent SSO allows your agents to have a single login across Comm100 and other applications. The supported SSO identity providers include Okta, Azure AD, and Google Cloud Identity. If you are using Okta, you can create an app integration for Comm100 to give one-click access to agents.

This article walks you through setting up Comm100 Agent SSO with Okta using Comm100-specific information. To learn the detailed settings for SAML app integrations in Okta, you can visit Okta help center.

Setting up Comm100 Agent SSO with Okta involves the following procedures:

  1. Create an app integration: Create an app integration for Comm100 in Okta. 
  2. Assign the app to users: Assign the Comm100 integration app to users to give them access to Comm100. You need to add your Comm100 agents as Okta users first.
  3. Set Up on Comm100 Control Panel: Set up SAML SSO on Comm100. To learn more about setting up Agent SSO with SAML, see this article.
Create an App Integration

To create an app integration for Comm100, follow these steps:

  1. In the Okta Admin Console, go to Applications > Applications.
  2. Click Create App Integration.
  3. Select SAML 2.0 as the Sign-on method, and click Next.
  4. Set the app name, app logo, and app visibility. For example, the app name can be Comm100 Agent SSO.
  5. Configure SAML settings, and click Next.
    • Single sign on URL: On the Comm100 Control Panel, go to Global Settings > Security > Agent Single Sign-On. You can find the URL after turning on the Agent SSO toggle.
      SSO URL.png
    • Audience URI (SP Entity ID): comm100. Note that the entity ID starts with a lowercase c.
    • Application username: Email.
    • Attribute Statements: Add the following attribute.




  6. Proceed to Feedback, choose I’m an Okta customer adding an internal app, and click Finish. The Comm100 Agent SSO app appears.
  7. Under the Sign On tab, click View SAML setup instructions. You are redirected to a new page guiding you to configure SAML for the app.
  8. On the new page, copy and save the Identity Provider Single Sign-On URL and X.509 Certificate. They are required for settings on the Comm100 Control Panel.
    IdP URL.png

Assign the App to Users

Assign the Comm100 integration app to users to give them access to Comm100. You need to add all your Comm100 agents as Okta users first.

Add Users

To add your Comm100 agents as Okta users, follow these steps:

  1. In the Okta Admin Console, go to Directory > People.
  2. Click Add Person
  3. Enter your agents’ information. Keep the information the same as that in the Comm100 system. Agents’ information can be found on the Comm100 Control Panel > Global Settings > People> Agents.
    1. First name, Last name: Enter the names of your agents.
    2. Username: Enter the emails of your agents. The agent emails must be exactly the same as those in the Comm100 system.
    3. Primary email: Same with Username.
    4. Activation: Choose Activate now.
    An activation link is sent to the user’s email after a user is created. Ask your agents to activate the account through email. The user’s status changes to Active after the activation succeeds.

Assign Users

Assign the Comm100 integration app to users to grant access.

To assign the Comm100 SSO app to users, follow these steps:

  1. In the Okta Admin Console, go to Applications > Applications, and choose the Comm100 Agent SSO app.
  2. Click Assign, and choose Assign to People.
  3. Choose the Comm100 agents and save your settings.
Set Up Agent SSO in Comm100

Set up Agent SSO in Comm100 with Okta parameters to complete the configuration.

To set up agent SSO in Comm100, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Comm100 Control Panel.
  2. From the left navigation menu, go to Global Settings > Security > Agent Single Sign-On.
  3. Paste the SAML SSO URL and Certificate you saved from Okta when creating an app integration. An SSO login URL is displayed on the page.
  4. Click Save.

Once you set up Agent SSO, your agents can log in to the Comm100 account through SSO login URL.